Did you know?


We all know that the Hispanic population of the United States is growing at an exponential rate and is projected to become nearly a quarter of the total U.S. population by 2030.

You may also know that one in four babies born in the U.S. is Hispanic and that there are approximately 600,000 expecting Hispanic mothers. Two-thirds of births in the U.S. occur to married couples.

Furthermore, religion is central to marriage and family life in the Hispanic culture. This Hispanic culture is rich with traditions that can add depth and special meaning to a wedding day such as the ceremony, madrinas y padrinos, el lazo, las arras, the reception, and the wedding attire, to mention a few.

What you may not know is that the wedding ring is worn on the left ring finger because the vein in that finger, referred to as the “vena amoris,” has traditionally been thought to be directly connected to the heart. And did you know that the word mariachi comes from the French word mariage, which means “marriage”?
